All done with the Work of Art in Progress!

Hey folks! In continuation with last week’s post titled Work of Art in Progress (, today I will be sharing with you all the completed artwork. I have titled this piece “Painting Nature in its True Colors”.

I have already covered the thought process behind the artwork in detail last week, but just to recap, this painting is based on the theme “Nurturing Nature for a Better Future” and is intended to be the cover page of a magazine. It is my attempt to depict how Mother Nature, like all mothers, keeps showering us and our planet earth with her blessings in abundance and nourishes us unconditionally. But if we don’t look after her, she will eventually get drained out and will have very little or almost nothing to offer to our future generations as well as our planet. Hence, we need to nurture and heal her by painting her with a colorful palette of clean, green lands, water and air, for the future of her child that is, planet earth, depends on it. To delve deeper into the concept behind the artwork, please click on the link above.

The finished artwork titled “Painting Nature in its True Colors

In today’s post, I am going to talk about the technicalities of this artwork. Let’s start with the medium. I have used watercolors, specifically watercolor brush pens for the entire piece, along with a bit of prismacolor pencils here and there, just to enhance those highlights and shadows. I have also made use of a white gel pen to accentuate the lines of the hair locks of Mother Nature that symbolize the wind as well the waves of the sea. The blossoms scattered on the mossy green landscape have also been rendered using the same while gel pen. Apart from this the fiery flame-like locks representing fire too have a touch of white in the form of highlights.

Coming to the technique, I have employed the classic watercolor trick of “wet 0n wet”, wherein the area to be painted is dampened with a wet brush first followed by the application of paint. Most of the painting is done using this technique, but at some places, especially the finer details, I resorted to first applying the color on the dry surface and then going over it with a wet brush.

Hope you like the final product!

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